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Join the NNGA

Men, women and kids.  Thinking about getting a handicap index?  Do you play all over and not really at one club?  We have the solution called the NNGA Club. 

All the benefits of NNGA membership are yours.  Get the USGA GHIN app for your IPhone or Android and you can post your scores on your phone and you will have your handicap card with you as long as your have your phone.  It's on the app.  No more stickers or worrys about getting your sticker at the club.  Get USGA GHIN App

If you would like a handicap and not have to join a local club this is your place.

The NNGA Club charges $65 with $20 going to fund the Northern Nevada Junior Golf Association.

If you are 18 years old or younger you can join Northern Nevada Juniors for no cost.

NNGA is encouraging all juniors to sign up under the Northern Nevada Juniors Club umbrella.  If you already have a GHIN number please use that when signing up for the Northern Nevada Juniors site.

Golfers can also join through any of our Member Clubs.

For more information please contact the NNGA Offices at 775-673-4653
