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Northern Nevada Golf Association

Join or Renew for 2025

Thank you for being a member of the NNGA!


NNGA Membership includes USGA GHIN Dues.


The link to join each club is below.  All available clubs are listed in alphabetical order.

Please note: Clubs marked with an asterisk [*] require NNGA Members to also pay club dues.

To join or renew at a private club that is not listed please contact the club directly.


Capital City Women's GC  https://bit.ly/capcitywomens

Carson Valley GC   https://bit.ly/carsonvalleygc

Carson Valley GC Women   https://bit.ly/carsonvalleywomens

Carson Valley Men's Club   https://bit.ly/carsonvalleymens

D'Andrea GC   https://bit.ly/dandreagc

D'Andrea GC Women   https://bit.ly/dandrealadies

Dayton Valley GC   https://bit.ly/daytonvalleygc

Dayton Valley GC Women   https://bit.ly/daytonvalleywomen

Eagle Valley GC   https://bit.ly/eaglevalleygc

Eagle Valley GC Women   https://bit.ly/evwgc

Edgewood-Tahoe GC   https://bit.ly/edgewoodtahoe

Empire Ranch GC Senior Men   https://bit.ly/empireranchseniormen

EV Women's 2-Person Team GL  https://bit.ly/CVW2PT

Fallon GC   https://bit.ly/fallongc

Fallon GC Women   https://bit.ly/fallonwomen

Fernley GC   https://bit.ly/fernleygc

Fernley GC Women   https://bit.ly/fernleywomen

Genoa Lakes GC   https://bit.ly/genoalakes

Genoa Lakes GC Women   https://bit.ly/genoalakeswomen

Incline Village Golf Club   https://bit.ly/inclinevillagegc

Incline Village GC Women   https://bit.ly/ivgcwomen

Lakeridge GC   https://bit.ly/lakeridgegc

Lakeridge GC Women   https://bit.ly/lakeridgegcwomen

LPGA Amateurs of Northern Nevada   https://bit.ly/lpgaamateursnn

Mountain Niners GC Incline   https://bit.ly/ivgcmtn9rs

Mountain View GC   https://bit.ly/mountainviewgc

Northstar GC   https://bit.ly/northstargc

Red Hawk Golf Resort   https://bit.ly/redhawkgc

Red Hawk Women's Golf Club   https://bit.ly/redhawkwomens

Reno Womens*   https://bit.ly/renowomens

Round Mountain GC   https://bit.ly/roundmountain

Ruby View GC   https://bit.ly/rubyviewgc

Ruby View GC Women   https://bit.ly/rubyviewwomen

Senior Men's Club of Carson City   https://bit.ly/seniormensclubcc

Senior Women's Golf League   https://bit.ly/swgl

Sierra Sage GC   https://bit.ly/sierrasagegc

Sierra Sage GC Women   https://bit.ly/sierrasagewomen

Silver Oak GC   https://bit.ly/silveroakgc

Silver Oak Senior Men's Club   https://bit.ly/silveroakseniormens

Silver Oak Women's Club   https://bit.ly/silveroakwomens

Spring Creek GC   https://bit.ly/springcreekgc

Sunridge GC   https://bit.ly/sunridgegc

Sunridge Women's Golf Club   https://bit.ly/sunridgewomens

Teesters at Incline   https://bit.ly/ivgcteesters

Toiyabe GC Women   https://bit.ly/toiyabewomen

Toiyabe Golf Club   https://bit.ly/toiyabegc

Toiyabe Men's Club   https://bit.ly/toiyabemen

Walker Lake GC   https://bit.ly/walkerlakegc

Washoe GC Men   https://bit.ly/washoegc

Washoe Valley Champions GC*   https://bit.ly/washoevalleychamp

White Pine GC   https://bit.ly/whitepinegc

White Pine GC Women   https://bit.ly/whitepinewomen

Winnemucca GC   https://bit.ly/winnemuccagc

Winnemucca GC Women   https://bit.ly/winnemuccawomen

Wolf Run GC   https://bit.ly/wolfrungc

Wolf Run GC Women   https://bit.ly/wolfrunwomen


For more information please contact the NNGA Offices at 775-673-4653 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
